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Top-Rated Water Damage Restoration in Salt Lake City

Professional Water Damage Cleanup and Repair in Salt Lake City

What Causes Water Damage in Salt Lake CityAre you experiencing flooding in your home due to the weather? Has a natural disaster struck? Do you have severe plumbing issues? If so, you need a professional damage restoration company to help safely mitigate the water and clean up the aftermath. We have the expertise to remove standing water and excess moisture.

We will then dry out the structural elements of your home to prevent wood rot or weakening. We will inspect for and address any mold growth. After this, we will clean and sanitize surfaces and belongings to prevent and eliminate contamination. We will conclude by wrapping up structural and cosmetic repairs.

Trust our water damage restoration experts when flooding strikes.Click here or call (801) 901-3475.

Comprehensive Water Damage Restoration Steps

Our team in Salt Lake City and Layton can arrive quickly if your situation requires emergency assistance. We’ve developed carefully crafted techniques for restoring your property to pre-loss condition.

It starts with a thorough assessment of the damages. This is needed to fully understand the scope of the situation.

We’ll then move on to water damage mitigation:

  • Removal of all damaged items – affected drywall, flooring, furniture, etc.
  • Extract excess water and dry the property using highly effective industry equipment.
  • Ensure that the structural foundation is safe.
  • Board up windows. Use tarps for further protection from anything exposed to the elements.

After the mitigation process is complete, we’ll start handling water damage restoration:

  • Any items that can be saved will be disinfected and cleaned properly for safe use.
  • Remove any toxic mold colonies that have made your home theirs.
  • Replace structural components damaged beyond repair.
  • Conduct water and moisture testing for a healthy environment.

In need of water damage restoration in Salt Lake City?. Click here or call OUR TEAM AT (801) 901-3475 today!

Effective Water Damage Prevention Tips

While we are here to help with water damage emergencies, it's always best to take preventative measures to avoid potential damage in the first place. Here are some tips to help prevent water damage in your home:

  • Regularly inspect and clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage away from your home.
  • Check for and repair any leaks in your pipes, appliances, and roof.
  • Install a sump pump in your basement or crawl space to remove excess water and prevent flooding.
  • Keep a close eye on your water bill - a sudden increase could indicate a leak or other water issue.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

By taking these preventative measures, you can help avoid costly water damage repairs and keep your home safe and dry.

Emergency Water Damage Safety Guidelines

Always call for professional assistance for the safety of your home and family. Our phone lines are open 24/7, all year round, to quickly dispatch a team of emergency technicians to your home. Even if it’s 3 a.m. on a holiday, we will be there for you.

There are certain actions you can take to prevent further issues while our team of specialists is on their way:

Immediate Steps to Take During Water Damage

  • Turn off the electricity if you plan to enter a room with standing water.
  • Remove items from the damaged rooms that you’re able to relocate to a safe, dry place.
  • Wipe down furniture and use pieces of foil to protect the furniture from wet flooring.
  • Open doors, windows, closet drawers, and furniture drawers to keep air circulating.

Common Mistakes to Avoid After Water Damage

  • Never attempt to remove wallpaper, carpeting, or anything permanently affixed in the room.
  • If you see mold growth, do not disturb it. You’ll risk spreading potentially hazardous mold spores through the air.
  • Do not lay newspaper down to cover water damage or dry areas.
  • If you’re trying to remove water, don’t use a regular home vacuum to do so.

Dial (801) 901-3475 or contact us online now!