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Mold Removal & Remediation in St. Louis, MO

Mold Inspection and Testing Services Near You

ServiceMaster Restoration by MMCT is here to remove mold damage and restore your home in St. Louis, MO, and its surrounding areas. Our company offers 24/7 repair services to protect your residence and your family’s health. We can also help you file insurance claims to receive compensation for certain mold damage.

We serve the following counties for your convenience:

  • Crawford
  • Dent
  • Jefferson
  • Perry
  • Phelps
  • Reynolds
  • Saint Francois
  • Saint Louis
  • Sainte Genevieve
  • Washington

Do not hesitate to reach out no matter the date or time. We are here for you! Our proactive St. Louis Mold remediation experts are ready to inspect your home and recommend solutions to remove any mold damage you may be dealing with.

For reliable mold remediation & removal in St. Louis, MO, call us at (636) 251-4969 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.

Signs You Have Mold Damage

Mold is a fungus that grows in dark and wet areas and can spread throughout your home. If you notice dark spots on surfaces, especially floors, walls, or ceilings, it is a common telling sign.

Excessive Moisture

One of the most common causes of mold growth in homes is excessive moisture. This can be caused by leaking pipes, high humidity, or flood damage.

Inadequate Ventilation

Another common cause is inadequate ventilation, as mold thrives in dark, damp environments without proper airflow.

Checking for Water Leaks

Regularly checking for water leaks and keeping air circulating can help prevent mold growth and water damage in your home. If mold does become an issue, hiring a mold removal expert in St. Louis can ensure that the problem is properly addressed and prevented from returning in the future.

Mold damage can cause the following health issues, especially if you have allergies or are immuno-compromised:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Stuffed nose
  • Teary or itchy eyes
  • Irritated skin
  • Worsening allergies or respiratory issues

If you experience any of those symptoms, you may be dealing with mold damage, even if there is no visible sign in your home.

Trusted Mold Remediation & Removal Company in St. Louis, MO

Mold damage removal requires advanced equipment and extensively trained professionals to properly get rid of your problem. Our St. Louis mold removal & remediation experts have both and can get your home back to normal quickly and efficiently.

Thorough Mold Inspection & Decontamination Plan

When you call us for a potential mold problem, we thoroughly inspect your home to identify any affected areas before designing a customized decontamination plan. We begin by containing the impacted areas to avoid cross-contamination in other parts of your home. Our experts only use industry-approved procedures to remove all mold.

Mold Removal

We then proceed to get fully remove the source of the mold and ensure optimal humidity control to prevent future mold issues.

Common sources of mold include:

  • Leaks in the roof
  • Plumbing leaks inside the home
  • Sewer issues
  • Damp basement or crawl space
  • Flooding history

Restoring Your Home

Once we have completed all necessary cleaning and sanitizing, we can restore your St. Louis home to its normal conditions, including flooring and walls.

Your Health & Safety is Our Priority

Our mold removal and remediation technicians prioritize your health and safety, and we always make sure that you are satisfied with our work. You can always expect top-quality materials, equipment, methods, and customer service.

To learn more about our mold removal and remediation services in St. Louis, MO, call us at (636) 251-4969 or contact us online today.

How to Remove Mold

Can I Remove Black Mold Myself?

Usually, when you notice mold in your home, there is a much larger problem than appears. There is also likely to be a deeper cause for concern that may not be obvious. There is no mold without excess moisture, and as mentioned above, there can be numerous sources of this moisture.

However, we understand that some people would like to do everything they can before resorting to professional help. We do not recommend trying to remove black mold yourself due to potentially toxic exposure. Other types of mold can be toxic as well, so this really applies to mold removal in general. But if you are going to try anyway, we recommend wearing goggles, a mask or respirator, and gloves that extend up your forearm.

You can make a natural mold cleaner or purchase one from your local hardware store. Undiluted vinegar is an effective natural mold cleaner. Simply spray the solution onto the mold, wait two to three hours, then scrub and rinse.

After treatment, don’t be surprised if the mold grows back. After all, the root cause of moisture will not be addressed. Additionally, it’s practically impossible to see mold in the beginning stages of growth. We know how frustrating living with mold and failing to treat it can be. If you need assistance, schedule an appointment with one of our St. Louis mold remediation experts today!

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